Panduan Menghadapi Wawancara Kerja, Riana Puspasari

Judul/Title: Panduan Menghadapi Wawancara Kerja
Penulis/Author: Riana Puspasari
Penerbit/Publisher: Komunikarir
Edisi/Edition: 2012
Halaman/Pages: 60 A4
Format: Ebook [PDF]
Bahasa/Language: Indonesia
HargaPrice: Rp. 30.000
Call No.: 658.3/Pus/p
Status: Tersedia/Available

Di balik setiap pertanyaan yang diajukan saat job interview sebenarnya ada kekhawatiran si pewawancara. Buku ini menjelaskan kekhawatiran-kekhawatiran itu serta cara praktis untuk menepisnya. Setelah membaca buku ini, Anda akan tahu teknik-teknik menjawab berbagai jenis pertanyaan: kapan harus menunjukkan fakta, kapan harus diam, menggunakan humor atau teknik lainnya. Dan... yang paling penting, Anda mendapat 50 jawaban dari pertanyaan yang sering keluar dalam wawancara kerja, seperti:
  • Tolong ceritakan tentang diri Anda.
  • Sebutkan kekuatan dan kelemahan Anda.
  • Sepertinya Anda underqualified untuk posisi ini.
  • Mengapa Anda ingin bekerja di perusahaan kami?
  • Berapa gaji yang Anda minta?
... plus banyak pertanyaan lainnya yang semuanya disusun secara bilingual dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris. Setiap pembelian buku ini mendapat bonus template surat pasca interview yang bisa Anda pergunakan setelah panggilan wawancara kerja.

Dreamseekers: Indonesian Women as Domestic Workers in Asia

Judul/Title: Dreamseekers: Indonesian Women as Domestic Workers in Asia
Penulis/Author: Dewi Anggraeni
Penerbit/Publisher: Equinox and ILO
Edisi/Edition: 2006
Halaman/Pages: 250
Dimensi/Dimension: 22 x 15 x 1.8cm
Sampul/Cover: Paperback
Bahasa/Language: English
Kondisi/Condition: 2nd Hand, Complete Pages
Harga/Price: Tidak Dijual/Not for Sale
Call No.: 325/Ang/d
Lokasi/Location: Jakarta
Status: Tersedia/Available

In the Dreamseekers: Indonesian Women as Domestic Workers in Asia, veteran journalist Dewi Anggraeni, in conjuction with the International Labour Organization, uncovers the hidden world of domestic helpers from all points of view: the employers, the agents, the governments, the NGOs, and most importantly the workers themselves. The first-hand account of the struggles and successes is described in vivid detail, and Dreamseekers is a must-read by anyone interested in the plight of these remarkable women.

Dare to Forgive: The Power of Letting Go & Moving On, Edward M. Hallowell

Judul/Title: Dare to Forgive: The Power of Letting Go & Moving On
Penulis/Author: Edward M. Hallowell
Penerbit/Publisher: Human Moments Book
Edisi/Edition: 2004
Halaman/Pages: 257
Dimensi/Dimension: 14 x 21 x 1.5cm
Sampul/Cover: Paperback
Bahasa/Language: English
Kondisi/Condition: 2nd Hand, Complete Pages
Harga/Price: Rp. 90.000
Call No.: 158/Hal/d
Lokasi/Location: Jakarta
Status: Tersedia/Available


In a book that gets more timely by the day, bestselling author Ned Hallowell shows that forgiveness is strength — and also that it’s essential to living a healthy, happy life. Forgiveness is not a sign of weakness but of strength. It’s also healthy, brave, contagious and sets you free. Everyone needs to forgive, whether it's your parents, neighbors, your dog, the man who cut you off in the traffic this morning of the criminal who murdered your loved one. In this clear, concise ans inspiring book, bestselling psychiatrist Dr. Edward Hallowell shos you how.